While listening to what’s going on...

topo chica
Nov 17, 2020

I was very happy to read that others enjoyed my blurb last week. Se siente chido! Especially since it was my first time. Last week my stimulus check problem was not quite solved, but thankfully, I was able to figure it out yesterday. Today, I just have to snail mail track the fix.

I woke up early and stopped by La bohemia, a cute coffee shop in Phoenix, so I’m currently sipping my café de olla and listening to Amy Goodman and Giovanni Batz discuss the situation devastation in specifically Guatemala but truly throughout Central-America. There was a horrible hurricane (Eta and soon Iota) that on top of a number of historical structural inequalities have devastated the region over the last days. I appreciate platforms that allow a thorough examination of situations not just a surface level one.

Thorough examinations are necessary when looking into different situations, especially ones foreign to us. I appreciate context and insight because it’s impossible to be informed on everything. It serves to be given different perspectives with historical analysis in a world where things are mostly one sided and don’t push for a true questioning. That being said, it’s also important to center the voices of those directly impacted. I don’t know when and where it became normal to take the statements of people that are disconnected from matters but somehow that’s a thing.

Today is my day off, and yoga keeps me content and in the moment. I will get ready for that now as the broadcast has ended. paz y amor ❤



topo chica

trying to figure it out! similar to my journal she/her